MultiModal Big Image Data Sharing and Exploration

Scripting MoBIE Project Creator

For datasets with many images, it may be more convenient to use the project creator via a script. Here we provide a few examples for using groovy scripting within Fiji (this can also be adapted for the other scripting languages within Fiji).

Script editor

In Fiji, click File > New > Script, to open the script editor. Then, in the menu at the top of the editor, select Language > Groovy.

Creating a simple project

Here, we create a project folder, and add a dataset and image:

import ij.IJ;
import org.embl.mobie.viewer.command.OpenMoBIEProjectCommand;
import org.embl.mobie.viewer.projectcreator.ProjectCreator;

projectFolder = new File("C:\\Users\\meechan\\Documents\\temp\\test_project")
dataDirectory = new File(projectFolder, "data");

try {
    projectCreator = new ProjectCreator(dataDirectory);

    // create a 3D dataset called 'testDataset'
    projectCreator.getDatasetsCreator().addDataset("testDataset", false);

	// open an example image to add to project
    currentImage = IJ.openImage("");

    // add image to dataset "testDataset" in project with name "testImage"
    projectCreator.getImagesCreator().addImage( currentImage, "testImage", "testDataset",
                           ImageDataFormat.BdvN5, ProjectCreator.ImageType.image,
                           "images", true )

    // open it in MoBIE
    openMoBIE = new OpenMoBIEProjectCommand();
    openMoBIE.projectLocation = projectCreator.getDataLocation().getAbsolutePath();;
} catch (IOException e) {


You can create a new empty dataset, with a specific name like so:

datasetName = "testDataset"
is2D = false
projectCreator.getDatasetsCreator().addDataset( datasetName, is2D );

You can rename a dataset like so:

oldName = "testDataset"
newName = "newDataset"

// rename 'testDataset' to 'newDataset'
projectCreator.getDatasetsCreator().renameDataset( oldName, newName );

You can set which dataset is shown by default in MoBIE like so:

datasetName = "testDataset"
projectCreator.getDatasetsCreator().makeDefaultDataset ( datasetName );

Adding ImagePlus images

The main function to add images + segmentations is this one:

currentImage = IJ.openImage("")
imageName = "testImage"
datasetName = "testDataset"
imageFormat = ImageDataFormat.BdvN5
imageType = ProjectCreator.ImageType.image
uiSelectionGroup = "images"
exclusive = false

// add image to project
projectCreator.getImagesCreator().addImage( currentImage, imageName,
          datasetName, imageFormat, imageType, uiSelectionGroup, exclusive )

which takes the following parameters (in order):

If you want more control over the resolution levels / chunking that the project creator uses, you can explicitly give these like so:

import org.janelia.saalfeldlab.n5.GzipCompression;

resolutions = [ [1,1,1], [2,2,2], [4,4,4] ] as int[][]
subdivisions = [ [64,64,64], [64,64,64], [64,64,64] ] as int[][]
compression = new GzipCompression()

// add image with specific resolution levels and chunks
projectCreator.getImagesCreator().addImage ( currentImage, imageName,
              datasetName, imageFormat, imageType,
              uiSelectionGroup, exclusive, resolutions,
              subdivisions, compression )

This takes 3 additional parameters to the function above:

There are also versions of both of these functions, that allow you to specify an affine transform for the image. Note that this will be added to the image view, and will be added on top of the usual scaling coming from imp.getCalibration().

import net.imglib2.realtransform.AffineTransform3D;

// create an affine transform that translates by 2 units in x, y and z
sourceTransform = new AffineTransform3D();

// add image to project with source transform
projectCreator.getImagesCreator().addImage( currentImage, imageName, datasetName,
                       imageFormat, imageType, sourceTransform, uiSelectionGroup,
                       exclusive )

// add image with specific resolution levels, chunks and source transform
projectCreator.getImagesCreator().addImage ( currentImage, imageName,
              datasetName, imageFormat, imageType,
              sourceTransform, uiSelectionGroup, exclusive,
              resolutions, subdivisions, compression )

Adding bdv format images (N5/OME-ZARR)

If your image is already in a compatible format (N5 / OME-ZARR), then you can also add this directly to your project e.g. for n5:

// use 'copy' add method
addMethod = ProjectCreator.AddMethod.copy
imageFormat = ImageDataFormat.BdvN5

// copy an existing N5 image into project
projectCreator.getImagesCreator().addBdvFormatImage (
          new File("path/to/image.xml"), imageName, datasetName,
          imageType, addMethod, uiSelectionGroup, imageFormat, exclusive )

and for ome-zarr:

// use 'copy' add method
addMethod = ProjectCreator.AddMethod.copy
imageFormat = ImageDataFormat.OmeZarr

// copy an existing OME-ZARR image into project
projectCreator.getImagesCreator().addBdvFormatImage (
          new File("path/to/image.ome.zarr"), imageName, datasetName,
          imageType, addMethod, uiSelectionGroup, imageFormat, exclusive )

This function takes the following parameters (in order):

Adding remote metadata

You can generate the remote metadata for a specific image format with:

signingRegion = "us-west-2"
serviceEndpoint = ""
bucketName = "bucketName"
imageFormat = ImageDataFormat.BdvN5S3 // for OME-ZARR use ImageDataFormat.OmeZarrS3

          signingRegion, serviceEndpoint, bucketName, imageFormat )

Note that this will overwrite any existing remote metadata for the given image format.